📺 Jesse's Funhouse 📺

Or why you shouldn't trust me with my own website...

I have a lot of interests in video games, especially Silent Hill and Resident Evil. Great! A place that should be fine for me? Pony Town! The problem is, since the site's hayday, it's turned into a breeding ground for people who let their disorders dictate their personality rather than trying to overcome them. I've seen a lot of people on there defining themselves with these disorders. From putting their labels front and center to outright imploring people who are neurotypical not to interact with them, they make everything in their life about what ails them rather than what they enjoy. It's perfectly okay to be open about having a disorder. However, when all of your conversations and traits are inherently based in that disorder, you become more of a burden to talk to than you are worth. It's a blunt and unfortunate thing, but I can't tolerate people who do nothing but complain endlessly about their life, as many other people cannot. We all love to talk about ourselves. We love looking inward and thinking about ourselves- that's the introspective nature of humanity. A lot of the time, though, these people are thinking of themselves far too much. It's an important thing to be able to be open and understanding of others, and it's important to try and understand yourself more than defining everything using a clinical diagnosis. It's incredibly likely that I have autism. This does affect many parts of my life, but sometimes, I'm just weird independent of it. I sit weird, I talk weird, and I walk weird, but those are just me being weird most of the time, not some hidden form of ghost autism lurking within my mental complex. I just wish the people on Pony Town were easier to talk to. Deep down, I'd love to be able to make friends with people who share my interests, but more often than not, I find it hard with the type of company Pony Town is full of.

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