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Or why you shouldn't trust me with my own website...

If it isn't clear, I like Postal. What that entails is that I'm a bit attached to it; naturally, I have strong opinions regarding the series as a whole and its fanbase. Personally, I think a lot of the fans are abnormal. That's cool- I'm not normal either! My problem comes in when people endlessly jack off Postal 2 while completely disregarding other games in the series. I saw a review on Postal: Brain Damaged recently- of course, Not Recommended- that adds a tail-end remark imploring you to play Postal 2 instead. While normally recommendations are great for if you think a game is shit and there's better out there, using Postal 2- not a boomer shooter, obviously- as a recommendation under Postal: Brain Damaged says a lot about what urged them to leave a negative review in the first place. Postal 2's humour is still funny, but outdated in nature. It sets you up for failure if you go into any other game expecting another Postal 2, and the reviewer did. I've noticed a large trend of people just getting into Postal being sorely disappointed when they discover that Postal 2 is more one-off with its own particular brand of edgy humour, and it makes me sad to see people disregarding equally enthusing titles just because they aren't another Postal 2. What is Running With Scissors supposed to do, just rerelease Postal 2? People seemingly aren't content with Paradise Lost. They want every other Postal title to be just like Postal 2, and it annoys me to no end that they refuse to give the other games their own turn to shine. In all honesty, that's just life. I'm the only one who cares that much about it. I'm Running With Scissors' #1 dickrider. Can't help but be infuriated by the review, though.

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